About us

NewDawn Center, Bangalore is a center aiming at developing learning skills for children with special needs.

We are committed towards helping children with special  needs like difficulties in learning, Developmental delays or disorders (like ASD)  in a systematic way.

We help every learner maximize their potentials and accomplish their inclusion into the society.


We at New Dawn Centre  aim developing your child’s learning competencies as well as inculcation of values through Applied Behavior Analysis or ABA.  ABA is a scientific, systematic and document-based approach that makes the learning easy and spontaneous.

Kaberi Chakraborty

Kaberi Chakraborty

Kaberi is a certified special educator registered under the Rehabilitation Council of India. She is M.Sc. in Psychology. She has over 8 years of experience in the filed of special education, applied behavior analysys (ABA) and inclusion services. She is also an RBT (Registered Behavior Technician) and has been working under the supervision of  BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst).